Baitbox Pike Baits Roach
A major part of the diet of pike in most venues, it is no wonder that roach are such a popular bait with predator anglers.
We freeze our roach immediately to keep them in super-fresh condition.
Naturally quite buoyant we recommend testing roach in the margins before casting out to ensure that they sink.
If they float simply pierce the swimbladder with a baiting needle and squeeze out the air until the bait just sinks.
A slow sinking presentation really is ideal and will ensure that the bait sits on top of any weed and is very easy for the pike to pick up.
Roach are also a great choice for the zander angler, and whilst smaller baits are more the norm, these large roach have accounted for some big zander over the years and will certainly sort out the bigger fish if you are being plagued by schoolies.
Catfish Pro Hair Rigs
For convenience and ideal for the angler who "wants to put a rod out for cats" All rigs have quality swivels, Catlink hooklink and Maruto Eagle Wave Hooks.
These rigs ideal for deadbait, worms, pastes, boilies, squid, liver etc.
These rigs are available in a variety of size and breaking strains to suit your needs in barbed & barbless.
40lb on small hooks and 70lb on bigger hook rigs.
Drennan E-SOX Bait Trace
E-Sox Bait Traces are ideal for all live and deadbait presentations. Each trace is 46cm (18in) long and made from strong and reliable nylon-coated 34lb (15kg) Super Trace wire with Extra Strong Trebles.
Each trace is finished off neatly with Blood Red Crimp Sleeves on the trebles and a Camo Brown Crimp Sleeve on the swivel.
The size 4s have a gap of 11cm between trebles, making them ideal for bigger baits such as half mackerel, herring, lamprey and larger silverfish baits from 16cm to 20cm (6in to 8in).
The size 6s have a gap of 9cm between the trebles, making them ideal for medium sized baits from 13cm to 17cm (5in to 6.5in).
The size 8s have a gap of 7cm between the trebles, making them excellent for small baits from 10cm to 13cm (4in to 5in).
46cm (18in) long
Strong and reliable nylon-coated 34lb (15kg) Super Trace wire
Extra Strong Trebles
Finished off neatly with Blood Red Crimp Sleeves
Camo Brown Crimp Sleeve on the swivel
Fox Rage Replicant Wobble
The next generation of this iconic lure, the new Replicant Wobble offers a range of upgrades to make it even more of a must have for your lure box.
Available in many colours, the Wobble comes with an improved belly hook rotation system which sees the treble hook turn, helping to protect hook holds when playing fish.
The same, brilliant swimming action still remains, with the large paddle tail creating loads of attraction and giving the lure a deep role on the retrieve.
The body material itself has been upgraded to a material more resistant to falling apart following fish damage.
Many colour options
Proven, enticing swimming action
Belly hook rotation system to help maintain hook holds
Super resistant body material
High-end hooks
New Super Natural colour options
Fox Rage French Blade Spinners
The new Fox Rage Spinner range, a combination of classic fish-catching ability and modern Fox Rage design.
Classic spinner design with classic fish-catching ability
French style blade to deliver huge flash and vibration attraction
Features red fibre strike point on hook
High-quality construction
Drennan E-Sox Trace Spin
With an easy-to-use swivel snap link, this trace is ideal for spinners, small spoons and also for smaller plugs and jigs.
Produced in 28lb (12.7kg) nylon coated E-Sox Super Trace Pike Wire, the crimp to swivel joints are streamlined with tapered sleeves to improve durability and reduce the incidence of tangles.
35cm long
28lb (12.7kg) E-Sox Super Trace Pike Wire
Swivel joints are streamlined with tapered sleeves
Fox Rage Slick Shad Loaded UV Mixed Colour
Full loaded and ready to go from the pack, now you can get four of our most popular lures in mixed range of fantastic ultra UV colours.
Mixed range of Ultra UV colours; Pearl, Pink Candy, UV Perch and UV Stickleback
Expertly pre-loaded on high-quality Fox Rage jig heads
Slick Shad; 11cm / 10g head, 9cm / 7g head, 7cm / 5g head
Fox Rage Predator Kwik Change Weights
Quick-change weights allow for instant adjustment when float fishing and eliminate the need to set up again from scratch. They can be locked in place by sliding the silicone over the swivel to aid casting.
Instant weight adjustment when float fishing
Eliminate the need to set up again from scratch
Lock in place by sliding the silicone over the swivel
Baitbox Pike Baits Joey Mackerel
Mackerel are one of the most effective pike baits around, with a great set of features that make them brilliant baits.
With a relatively tough skin, mackerel are easy to hook and stay on cast after cast.
They also have an iridescent sheen when really fresh, which makes them stand out well on the bottom.
Joey Mackerel
Salmo Rattlin Hornet Floating
We have taken what many consider to be one of the best crankbaits in the world and improved it by adding a rattle!
You can expect the same effectiveness and a strong action of the original HORNET but with the addition of fish attracting sound.
The built in rattle and long cast SICS system are attributes that make this crankbait a universal, multi-purpose weapon that can be used to catch all predatory fish.
Strong lure
Fox Rage Big Eye Spin Tail
Compact body design for longer casts
Big eye design for specific target strike point
Silver colorado blade for maximum flash and vibration
High-quality VMC hooks
Environmentally friendly Zinc Alloy construction
Drennan E-Sox QC Snaplink Swivel
These swivels provide a quick, easy and secure way of changing traces or lures.
Engage the ring eye on the lure or trace into the wire hook on the snap link and twist it round into position.
Available in Small or Large
Easy to secure lures and traces