Isotopes & Beta Lights
Korda Korda Isotopes
Korda Isotopes Korda Stow LiteThese isotopes are designed to perfectly fit inside the Stow Indicator Heads, and will also fit our Black & Whites bobbins in any size from medium to XL. The Stow Lite is a high powered and top quality isotope, with an extremely long life, and you can even choose a colour to match your indicator head or even bite alarm LEDs. One in each packet.Key features Coloured isotopeDesigned to fit Stow bobbinsLong life3 x 25mmKorda Black & WhitesThe Mini Isotopes come in a choice of seven different colours so that you can match them to your bite indicators. They have been designed to fit in the top of the Distance Sticks, as well as the small Black & White bobbins and the Basix Mini-Stow Indicators – they are 15mm long with a 3mm diameter. These isotopes are high powered and of a high quality, as well as being extremely long lasting. You get one Mini Isotope per pack.Key features Fit Black&Whites, Mini Stows and Distance SticksColoured isotopesHigh powerLong lasting
£4.99 - £16.99
Fox Tackle Fox Black Label Isotopes
Fox Black Label Isotopes These Fox isotopes are designed to fit our black label bite Indicators. They come in three sizes - one for the Micro head, one for the mini swinger and one for the standard bobbin head - they are both white and extremely bright! Designed to fit Black Label Mini Swinger Enables your indicator head to have a subtle glow in the dark/low light 2mm x 15mm, 2mm x 12mm & 3mm x 25mm Only available to buy in United Kingdom
£7.99 - £13.99
Matrix Innovations Matrix Hot Head Isotopes
Matrix Hot Head Isotopes Premium, ultra-bright, long-life isotopes custom built to fit our indicator heads (and many others). Essential for any night angler. Product Features Ultra-bright Long-life Perfect for fishing at night Might fit other indicator heads These are 23mm long and 3mm diameter
£8.79 - £14.99
Matrix Innovations Matrix Dinky Hot Head Isotope
Matrix Dinky Hot Head Isotope Premium, ultra-bright, long-life isotopes custom built to fit our indicator heads (and many others). Essential for any night angler. Product Features Ultra-bright Long-life Perfect for fishing at night Might fit other indicator heads These are 15mm long and 3mm diameter
Preston Korum Isotope Holder Kit
Korum Isotope Holder Kit Containing a range of different size clips that allow 3mm diameter isotopes to be fitted to almost any rod tip. An essential item for night fishing. Contains eight Isotope Holders in four different sizes Includes a securely fitting clear tubing to keep isotopes safely in position Compatible with all 3mm diameter isotopes Great for night fishing Designed to fit most rod tips 3mm Isotopes are needed
Cipher International Cygnet Tackle Isolite*
Cygnet Isolites Premium, ultra-bright, long-life isotopes custom built to fit our indicator heads (and many others). Essential for any night angler. Product Features Ultra-bright Long-life Perfect for fishing at night Might fit other indicator heads
£12.99 - £16.99
JAG Products JAG Blue Isotope**
JAG Isotope Encapsulated inside a CNC machined acrylic housing. They will not break and they will last a very long time! Long lasting (10 years+) Housed in acrylic for security 21.6mm x 6mm